Oil Painting Class
January 27, 2023 - March 17, 2023
$100. includes tax
This water-soluble oil painting class offers many points such as wet-on-wet, enhancing painting with shadows and light, colour-mixing, etc. A finished painting will be done by the end of the 8 weeks. This non-stressful class will have one-on-one instruction in a fun and easy class. Supply list will be given out after registering. Course ID# 002372287.
Register either by phone at 604-501-5100, in person at Rec. ctr. or online through the Digital Registration Guide. A mysurrey.ca account must be set up to register online.
Special Instructions
Please get supply lists when registering. I will have a limited supply of canvas, brushes and paints.
No prerequisites
Registration Details
Register by phone at 604-501-5100, in person at Cloverale Rec. ctr. or by online-must have a mysurrey.ca account to register online.
Suppy List
Will be supplied when registered.