Oil Painting using Historic Principles with Steve Chmilar

November 21, 2020


When: November 21st, 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM

Oil Painting using Historic Principles: Techniques from the Renaissance to the Dutch Golden Age with Steve Chmilar

In this demonstration, talented oil painter Steve Chmilar will offer insight into his historically influenced oil painting process, techniques, and principles. Using a close-up camera set-up, Steve will offer viewers a live-streamed opportunity to watch as he paints sections of one of his current oil paintings in-progress. This exclusive peek into Steve’s painting process will give attendees a chance to learn a variety of technical methods Steve uses to create detailed paintings in the pre-impressionist styles from the Renaissance to the Dutch Golden age. In addition, Steve will also delve into his own personal reflections on the differences between this painting process and the more commonly taught post-impressionist brush techniques and palettes which are often found in modern oil painting. Feel free to jot down any questions you have during the presentation, as Steve will be happy to answer any of your oil painting questions. This insightful demonstration will contain knowledge applicable to individuals at any stage of their artistic pursuits and those interested in broadening their knowledge of historic painting principles.


Materials List:

Williamsburg Oil Paints

Titanium white, Titan Buff, Brilliant Yellow pale, Brilliant Yellow Extra Pale, Unbleached Titanium Pale, Unbleached Titanium, Naples Yellow Extra, Lemon Yellow, Cadmium Yellow Medium, Nickel Yellow, Naples Yellow Redish, Yellow Ochre, Mars Yellow Light, Raw Sienna, Yellow Ochre, Yellow Ochre Half Burnt, Indian Yellow, Transparent Yellow Iron Oxide, Cadmium Yellow Extra Deep, Golden Green, Bohemian Green Earth, Olive Green Deep, Chromium Oxide Green, Permanent Crimson, Mars Red, Cadmium Red Light, Mars Red Light, Transparent Oxide Red, Quinacridone Magenta, Burnt Umber, Raw Umber, Red Umber, Burnt Sienna, Turquoise, Prussian Blue,  Van Dyke Brown, Phthalocyanine Blue, Mars Black, Ivory Black.

Williamsburg Cold pressed linseed oil and Stand Oil.

Opus Bravura brushes

Mainly Round brushes in #0, #2, #4 and #6

Opus Finest Palette Knife #06

Jack Richeson Grey Matters Paper Palettes

 Gamblin Safflower Oil (for brush preservation)


Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.




Artist Bio

Steven Chmilar is a Canadian artist recognized for his highly detailed oil paintings and drawings. After a decade-long professional career as a musician (2002 – 2012) he found success in his original artistic pursuit of visual art. Through fairs, group shows and online exposure, he has been able to paint full-time since 2012 and is one of the new contemporary artists that have been able to reach an international audience through mainly independent representation.  After living in Toronto until 2018, he currently resides on Vancouver Island where he works out of his seaside studio in the town of Sidney.




November 21, 2020
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm