Online Mentorship Program with Kit Bell, AFCA

May 18, 2022

$290 for members


Every Wednesday (6 weeks) 

Starting May 18th – June 22nd, 2022 

2.00PM – 4.00PM (Pacific Daylight Time) Via Zoom

Limited to 10 students!
Suitable for beginner/intermediate students.

FCA Online Mentorships

If you’re looking for an accessible way to re-invigorate your practice, share in your challenges and get professional, live feedback on your artwork, FCA Online Mentorships are an excellent investment in your practice.

Benefits of Mentorship

  • Weekly check-ins with a Signature FCA Artist
  • Ask questions and receive answers in real-time
  • Meet new artists and learn from their feedback
  • Encourage accountability in your practice
  • Great way to schedule time for your development
  • Celebrate victories and challenges you’ve overcome
  • Share your current challenges and learn from your peers and mentor about how to move forward
  • Put your learning into action with weekly assignments

Mentorship Overview:

6 weekly Live Zoom Sessions

We start this mentorship program with an evaluation of your current status, as well as an introduction to everyone in the group. Kit will discuss short and long term goals with you, which will define next steps on your artistic journey.

Each consecutive week will be built out based on where everyone is in their work and what their personal ambitions are for attending this mentorship program. Over this 6 week program you will takeaway practical ways to improve and develop your paintings.

About the Instructor – Kit Bell, AFCA 

Born in Vancouver, B.C. Kit attended the University of British Columbia, graduating with a Bachelor of Science in 1974. Throughout her life, Kit has always drawn and painted and although her professional career took her into the world of computers, art always remained a strong interest. Kit moved to Ottawa, Ontario after graduating from UBC where she began to paint landscapes in oil. She was represented by the Inspiration Art Gallery in Ottawa and by the Firehall Gallery in Perth, Ontario. She took the opportunity to study at the Ottawa School of Art and exhibited her work at the BCAL Clothesline Fair in Ottawa (a juried show) for several years. After moving to Kelowna, BC in 1992, a busy career prevented her from pursuing art for nearly 15 years. Returning in 2008 to painting, Kit has picked up where she left off. Continuing to expand her knowledge and develop her technique and vision, she enjoys both painting on location and working in her studio.

Student Testimonials:

  • I loved the course, discovered new resources, got practical suggestions and learned lots. Thanks Kit, you rocked it! “.
  • I really appreciate having such a quality program offered through zoom. There are many “beginner” courses online, but very few mentorships with an instructor who can handle intermediate & advanced topics. Thank you Kit”.
  • I thoroughly enjoyed the program and found it to be very beneficial. Kit was encouraging and inspiring”.

Registration Details

Please go to to register online or call the office at 604-681-2744 to make your booking.

For More Information:

Register Here:

May 18, 2022
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

$290 for members

