Painting: Introduction II

January 11, 2021



Building on a basic knowledge of paint handling and colour, this course presents students with a range of projects that explore possible approaches to painting in terms of subject matter, style and technique. Students work from a range of historical models, including abstract and representational painting to gain a better sense of the ideas, methods, and formal issues that can support their own vision. Class projects are accompanied by slide presentations. Prerequisite: Painting: Introduction I or some painting experience.
Tuesdays 6pm – 9pm, Jan 11 – Apr 05 Classroom Delivery
Dylan Cram
Tuition: $425.00 (36 hrs)

Suppy List

Items required for the first class:

- 2 or 3 black or white, simple, still life objects, or photos of objects
- sketchbook (any size)
- HB or 2B pencil
- eraser
- ruler (optional)
- Vine or Willow charcoal
- 3 small/medium surfaces approximately 12"x16" (eg. Masonite or hardboard panel, plywood, matboard, cardboard)
- acrylic gesso and a brush for gesso
- selection of brushes (eg. #12 “bright” brush: Hog bristle for oil, and a stiff synthetic for acrylic)
- paint (oil or acrylic): one small tube of black, and one large tube of titanium white or titanium/zinc blend
- oil painters: bring rags, and odourless mineral spirits (OMS) in a sealed jar or container, liquin
- acrylic painters: container or jar for water
- palette

Additional Items to be discussed in the first class:

- oil or acrylic paint: In addition to black and white: cadmium red light and/or medium(or similar), ultramarine blue, cadmium yellow, burnt sienna, yellow ochre, burnt umber
- optional: permanent rose, cobalt blue, dioxazine purple, pyrolle orange or cadmium orange (substitutions are acceptable)
- matte medium (acrylic) / odourless mineral spirits and walnut or linseed oil (oil)
- variety of brushes suited to your choice of paint
- two or more small or medium sized surfaces each week: stretched, primed canvas, canvas paper, gessoed wood panel, gessoed mat board or cardboard
- rags
- palette knife
- paint apron (suggested)

January 11, 2021
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Vancouver Island School of Art
302-733 Johnson Street
Victoria, BC, V8W 3C7


