Painting: Representation as Metaphor

January 13, 2022



This course is for people interested in representational or “realistic” painting, and who want to take their work to the next level and go beyond painting only what they see in front of them. The focus is on making personal and meaningful paintings based on analysis of images and subject matter. Students are introduced to contemporary artists who use representational imagery to depict a range of ideas and emotions. Course is organized by themes and will focus on the use of metaphor to express ideas. For example, a painting with architecture as subject, could represent political autocracy; a flower, the transience of life; a bowl of soup, the importance of the everyday and banal. Students are encouraged to explore images that are of particular interest to them as a way to develop their own artistic sensibility. Acrylic or oil can be used. Some painting experience is recommended.
Thursdays 6pm – 9pm, Jan 13 – Apr 07 Classroom Delivery
Dylan Cram
Tuition: $425.00 (36 hrs)

Registration Details

Suppy List

Items required for the first class:

- 2 or 3 black or white, simple, still life objects, or photos of objects
- sketchbook (any size)
- HB or 2B pencil
- eraser
- ruler (optional)
- Vine or Willow charcoal
- 3 small/medium surfaces approximately 12"x16" (eg. Masonite or hardboard panel, plywood, matboard, cardboard)
- acrylic gesso and a brush for gesso
- selection of brushes
- paint (oil or acrylic): one small tube of black, and one large tube of titanium white or titanium/zinc blend
- oil painters: bring rags, and odourless mineral spirits (OMS) in a sealed jar or container, liquin
- acrylic painters: container or jar for water
- palette

Additional Items to be discussed in the first class:

- oil or acrylic paint: In addition to black and white: cadmium red light and/or medium(or similar), ultramarine blue, cadmium yellow, burnt sienna, yellow ochre, burnt umber
- optional: permanent rose, cobalt blue, dioxazine purple, pyrolle orange or cadmium orange (substitutions are acceptable)
- matte medium (acrylic) / odourless mineral spirits and walnut or linseed oil (oil)
- variety of brushes suited to your choice of paint
- two or more small or medium sized surfaces each week: stretched, primed canvas, canvas paper, gessoed wood panel, gessoed mat board or cardboard
- rags
- palette knife
- paint apron (suggested)

January 13, 2022
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Vancouver Island School of Art
302-733 Johnson Street
Victoria, BC, V8W 3C7


