Painting Skin and Flesh in Oil Paint with Steve Chmilar

March 06, 2021


Join skilled oil painter Steve Chmilar for a wonderful virtual demo on painting human skin and flesh. This demonstration will cover his subjective thoughts and technical approach to this fascinating subject. By enlarging a detailed section of his current painting in-progress, Steve will demonstrate an example, basic enough to complete in one session, of his technical approach to depicting skin and flesh. You will hear and see Steve explain how rendering flesh accurately is in fact quite simple in methodology when certain principles are understood. He will introduce important aspects such as the subtlety and relativity of hues and being specific with one’s use of the value scale. By simplifying the understanding of colour as predominantly warm and cool, Steve will help demystify the process of making flesh look the way that we desire. Perfect for anyone curious about refining their skin painting skills in oil paint or seeing one of Canada’s fantastic painters in action!


Here are the colours in Steve’s Personal Palette…
Williamsburg Oil Paints 
Titanium whiteTitan Buff
Brilliant Yellow pale
Brilliant Yellow Extra Pale
Unbleached Titanium Pale
Unbleached Titanium
Cadmium Yellow Med.
Nickel Yellow
Naples Yellow Red
Yellow Ochre
Mars Yellow Light
Raw Sienna
Yellow Ochre
Indian Yellow
Transparent Yellow Iron Oxide
Cadmium Yellow Extra Deep
Green Gold
Bohemian Green Earth
Chromium Oxide Green
Permanent Crimson
Mars Red
Cadmium Red Light
Mars Red Light
Trnsprnt Red Iron Oxide
Quinacridone Magenta
Burnt Umber
Raw Umber
Red UmberBurnt Sienna
Prussian Blue
Van Dyke Brown
Phthalo Blue
Mars Black
Ivory Black
Williamsburg Cold Pressed Linseed oil 
Williamsburg Stand Oil
Opus Bravura Brushes
Mainly Round brushes in #0, #2, #4 and #6
Opus Finest Palette Knife #06
Jack Richeson Grey Matters Paper Palettes
Gamblin Safflower Oil (for brush preservation)





Steve Chmilar




Steven Chmilar is a Canadian artist recognized for his highly detailed oil paintings and drawings. After a decade-long professional career as a musician (2002 – 2012) he found success in his original artistic pursuit of visual art. Through fairs, group shows and online exposure, he has been able to paint full-time since 2012 and is one of the new contemporary artists that have been able to reach an international audience through mainly independent representation.  After living in Toronto until 2018, he currently resides on Vancouver Island where he works out of his seaside studio in the town of Sidney.





March 06, 2021
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm