Painting: The Canadian Landscape I

September 20, 2023 - December 13, 2023



Painting: The Canadian Landscape I focuses on engaging with the approaches of foundational Canadian painters who sought to interpret and represent the land. The instructor will present a selection of artists from across Canada up to the 1970s, including Clarence Gagnon, Tom Thomsom, Anne Savage, David Milne, James W. Morrice, Emily Carr, the Group of Seven, William Kurelek, and others. Students will select one artist per week to do further research on and make a landscape painting based on something they learned from this artist. Students may paint in a medium of their choice including watercolour, gouache, acrylic or oils. This course is a great way to learn about Canadian art history while applying new ideas and techniques to your work. Some painting experience is recommended.

Special Instructions

This online course will be held via Zoom. Students will receive a link one week ahead of the start of the course.

Registration Details

Visit the Vancouver Island School of Art website to register online, or phone 250-380-3500.

Suppy List

For this class it is assumed that you have some painting experience, so use whatever paints and brushes you generally use—oil, acrylic, watercolour, or gouache.
Recommended (but not required) colours: Quinacridone Red or Permanent Rose, Ultramarine Blue, Lemon or Hansa Yellow, Titanium White, Burnt Sienna, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Red Medium, Phthalo Blue (green shade), Cadmium Yellow Medium, Ivory Black.
You will need a palette, brushes, rags, and whatever you need to clean your brushes.
We will generally need one medium-sized surface (12” x 16” or larger) to paint on each week. Stretched primed canvas, large canvas paper, or gessoed wood panels are acceptable for acrylic and oil, or any watercolour paper for watercolour and gouache.

September 20, 2023 - December 13, 2023
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


