Painting Today II
January 11, 2022
This second part of the Painting Today series continues with a thematic approach to the hands-on study of painting. Topics in Painting Today II include Landscape, History Painting and Still Life. Class exercises and projects will be supplemented with visual presentations on historical and contemporary artists working within the specified themes. Prerequisite: It is not necessary to have completed Painting Today I in order to enroll in Painting Today II. Some painting experience recommended.
Tuesdays 6pm – 9pm, Jan 11 – Apr 05 Online Delivery
Neil McClelland
Tuition: $425.00 (36 hrs)
Registration Details
Suppy List
For the first class bring whatever paints you generally use—oil, or acrylic. Try to include: Alizarin Crimson or Quinacridone Red, Ultramarine Blue, Lemon Yellow (or equivalent—should say PY3 on the tube), Titanium White (larger tube). For other colours, try to stick to mono-pigments (paints with only one listed pigment). Recommended: Burnt Sienna, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Red, Phthalo Blue, Cadmium Red, Cadmium Yellow.
Bring a small canvas or panel, a palette, brushes, rags, and whatever you need to clean your brushes.
Also bring in an interesting, single object which will be the subject of a series of small still life paintings. Also bring something contrasting which you can place your object on or against (such as tin foil, glass, coloured mat board, plastic, metal etc). A small lamp and extension cord would be helpful so you can control the lighting.
If you have some supplies already (mediums, paints, brushes etc) bring whatever you have.