Planning for Plein Air Painting with Ann Willsie

May 24, 2022


When: May 24th at 11:00 am PST.

Planning for Plein Air Season

The focus of this demo is all about the challenges and benefits of painting in Plein air. Ann will be discussing materials and supplies needed to make the most of your day when you head outdoors painting, from the must-haves to the optional equipment.  Also included will be some tips and tricks on travelling with your equipment. After discussions, Ann will be giving a demonstration on painting live florals. 



Opus Birch Plywood 12 x 16 Panels (triple coated with Gesso)

Wet panel carrier  “”

Sienna Backpack 

Opus Essential Odorless Solvents

Sienna Pochade box 

Easel/tripod – sturdy – wind/possible bag with rocks (ensure tripod is rated for 10 lbs.) 

Leakproof container for thinner

Paper towels (shop towels) /wet-ones

Bug spray/ suntan lotion


Sketchbook and pencils for thumbnail sketches


Snacks and water to drink


Garbage Bag

Rosemary Brushes – Ivory Short Flats sizes 6 and 8; Angular Size ¼”, Filbert Size 2

New Wave glass palette 12″ x 16″

Masterson Stay Wet Container 12″ x 16″

Opus Oil Paintsmy palette is as follows: 

– Titanium White
– Cadmium Yellow Medium
– Yellow Ochre
– Cadmium Red Light
– Alizaron Crimson
– Cobalt Blue
– Ultramarine Blue
– Transparent Red Oxide
– Viridian Green


Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Artist Bio:

Ann has spent most of her life painting in oils, both in studio and in the outdoors. She has participated in many Plein air events throughout Canada during her career.  The subjects of her paintings are mostly landscapes and bigger-than-life florals. Ann is known for her impressionistic, loose style of painting, characterized by thick paint, harmonious colour and visible brushstrokes. She is a Senior Member of the Federation of Canadian Artists and an Associate Member of Oil Painters of America and has won numerous awards at shows and Plein Air Festivals throughout her career. 


Instagram: @annwillsie

Facebook: @annelizabethwillsie


Brand Bio:

Opus was founded by David van Berckel, as a little picture frame manufacturer in 1974, and is still an independently-owned, globally-connected local business. His company philosophy ‘small is beautiful’ remains at our core. Whatever your medium, Opus provides quality materials, inspiration and assistance to help you realize your creative endeavours.

Opus Brand Art Materials: Opus Brand

Facebook: @opusartsupplies

Instagram: @opusartsupplies


May 24, 2022
11:00 am