Plein Air Landscape Painting Class
August 31, 2021 - September 21, 2021
In-Person Class
Noah will draw on his time as a Hudson River Fellow in NY and share his thoughts and approach to landscape painting!
Some drawing and painting experience recommended.
Each week will be a new location!
You will have to be able to hike on easy trails.
By registering for the class students agree to follow these Covid 19 rules.
COVID Safety Plan and Procedures
Students must provide their own well fitting mask.
Both the student and the teacher will wear a mask while a student is receiving a critique if they are closer then 2m from each other.
Students can choose to wear a mask or not when working on their own work as long as social distance of 2m away from others is maintained at all times.
Student must setup 2m distance between the teacher, other students and the general public. Social distancing will be expected during the class.
If the teacher is sick, the class will go online. If a student is sick, please don’t come to class, students will be refunded for a missed class due to sickness.
Some drawing experience recommended
Registration Details
Email or call 250 661-9285
Suppy List
On website.