Plein Air or Inside Mornings with John Stuart Pryce (Nov)

November 07, 2019 - December 12, 2019



Instructor:  John Stuart Pryce

Join John on Thursday mornings to learn how to produce successful paintings.

Practical assignments will be combined with hands-on demonstration and individualized attention.

The series will cover:

  • The importance of an organized workspace and appropriate equipment;
  • The importance of an organized palette with reference to choice of colours and the reasons;
  • The physical characteristics of natural and synthetic brushes;
  • The choice of subject matter, and the importance of drawing and composition;
  • Sensitivity to shapes, colour temperature and values.
  • Simple step-by-step methods of blocking in a painting and the process to completion.

Each day will conclude with a discussion and critique.

Meet at Coast Collective Art Classroom on Wale Road for first class and the classroom will be the back up location in case of inclement weather.  Instructor will relay in advance directly with the class for further locations.

Learn more about John Stuart Pryce

Registration Details

For more information and registration please call 250-391-5522 or visit

Suppy List

November 07, 2019 - December 12, 2019
9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Coast Collective Gallery & Art Centre
Unit 103-318 Wale Rd
Colwood, BC, V9B 0J8


