Plein Air Painting Workshop with Michael King

August 27, 2023

$100 - 125


Enhance your skills & connect with nature in this immersive workshop with Michael King. Presented in partnership with West Vancouver Community Arts CouncilNorth Shore Artists’ Guild.

Join celebrated artist Michael King for a one-day plein air workshop along he Ambleside Waterfront. Discover how to capture the essence of your surroundings through observation & employing foundational design principles. King will share his favourite compositions & guide participants in the importance of taking visual notes, with the understanding that plein air painting is more about the elements that make up a coherent image rather than a finished painting.

Participants will be walking to the workshop location from the meeting point (Music Box, 1564 Argyle Ave), please ensure what you bring is portable. Best to fit it into a backpack, a wagon or a trolley.

Artist/Instructor Bio
Michael King is a Canadian painter & art instructor who specializes in oil painting with a focus on plein air (outdoor) painting, which guides his larger studio works. Always looking for the nuance of light, shape & colour, he combines representational elements with an Impressionistic style. His paintings strike a balance between realistic observation & abstract interpretation resulting in a unique & captivating aesthetic.

Special Instructions

Participants will be walking to the workshop location from the meeting point (Music Box, 1564 Argyle Ave), please ensure what you bring is portable. Best to fit it into a backpack, a wagon or a trolley.

Registration Details

Register at

Limited spots available. Special discounted fee for WVCAC & NSAG Members.

Suppy List

Standard painting supplies used for your acrylic or oil setup along with the below suggestions:

  • Sketchbook: A sketchbook for writing notes & compositional sketching. Sharpie or black marker required.

  • View Finder: a viewfinder from Opus can be purchased or you can go old school by using your fingers.

  • Easel: A plein air pochade (painting) box or similar setup.

  • Canvas or Panels: A selection of panel or canvas sizes from 6x6” to 12x16, whichever you are most comfortable with. We suggest no larger than 9x12” to get the most out of the workshop. 

  • Brushes: A selection of brushes from 1” to 1⁄4 ”. Flats, filberts or rounds. Don't forget mineral spirits or water for cleaning.

  • Palette knife: One or two palette knives. Not mandatory.

  • Paints: The paints you currently own, no need to buy anything specific for this workshop. Hansa Yellow Medium, Cad Yellow Medium, Perylene Red, Permanent Alizarin Crimson, Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Transparent Red Oxide, & White.

August 27, 2023
9:30 am - 3:30 pm

Music Box
1564 Argyle Avenue
West Vancouver, British Columbia, V7V 1A1

$100 - 125

