Public Art Call posted in BC Bid for the City of Burnaby

May 14, 2020 - June 04, 2020


Please note there is a call to artists to submit their qualifications and interest in a public art project in the City of Burnaby BC. The value of the commission is $750,00.

This Request for Expression of Interest (“RFEOI”) provides an exciting opportunity for a new work of public art for the City of Burnaby (“City”). The City seeks expressions of interest from qualified respondents. The successful artist, artist collective, artist team, or party selected, otherwise known as the (“Artist”), will be engaged to create their proposed concept and be expected to collaborate throughout the process of delivering the public art project for the expanded Burnaby Lake Aquatic and Arena Facility at 3676 Kensington Avenue. 

1.2 The public art project budget is $750,000.00 including applicable taxes. 

1.3 The award of the Artist’s detail development, project integration, artwork fabrication, delivery and installation are subject to funding approval from the City Financial Management Committee and Council approval. 

The call was posted ion BC BID May 14, 2020.

Interested artists should:
  • click on Browse for Opportunities (found in the window on the right)
  • go to Browse Opportunities by Organization (in the first set of options)
  • Go to the City of Burnaby and you’ll find the call ARTIST FOR THE BURNABy AQUATIC AND ARENA PUBLIC ART PROJECT
  • click on  OpenDocument1.gif 43-03/20 to download the call documents. 
In addition to the background document specific project information will be provided once Purchasing receives a signed non-disclosure agreement.

May 14, 2020 - June 04, 2020
12:00 am - 3:00 pm
