Reverse Drawing of a Calla Lily with Mandy Boursicot

February 20, 2021



When: February 20th at 11:00 am PST (1.5hr event)

Join us in learning to reverse draw with Mandy Boursicot! A hands-on virtual art workshop presented by Opus Art Supplies.


Mandy Boursicot will walk you through the techniques for reverse drawing while drawing a Calla Lily with White Chalk on Black Paper.


Workshop Description:

Reverse drawing takes the opposite approach to the usual Academic drawings. Here, we build the forms in the lights using successive layers of white chalk on black paper. This is a fun method, resulting in forms which appear to emerge out of darkness. This method is similar to those used by Baroque painters, such as Caravggio and Gentileschi, to describe the volume of the form with successive layers of lead white before ever applying colour. These skills can be used for drawing and painting to create a timeless chiaroscuro look.

Reverse drawings can easily stand on their own as finished artwork, as they enjoy the power of using extreme values, while conveying an air of mystery and depth.

In this demo, Mandy will demonstrate those qualities exactly, with the Calla Lily taking shape before your eyes, and conclude with a magical glow and the illusion of translucency.


What you’ll need:


Opus Studio H-Frame Easel

Masonite Drawing Board

Canson Mi-Teintes Black Drawing Paper

General’s White Charcoal Pencil

General’s Grey Putty Eraser

Tombow Micro Eraser

Knitting Needle

Masking Tape

Pencil Sharpener




Mandy Boursicot

Mandy Boursicot

Professional artist and teacher Mandy Boursicot has won international awards and competitions and been published in Strokes of Genius among other journals. Ten years after graduating from Emily Carr, and showing in top commercial galleries around Canada, she went to Florence, Italy, to immerse herself in an intensive 19th Century-style Art Academy. She mastered the Classical Realist method and returned to Vancouver, where she opened her own atelier, sharing her skills and expertise. Over the years, Mandy has done dozens of live demos at various Opus locations, with many people learning and benefiting from her lessons. Recently pivoting to online teaching, Mandy has found a new passion in teaching in front of a camera to audiences far and wide.





More of Mandys’ work:

February 20, 2021
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
