Shy People Drawing Club

April 16, 2020




Please email to receive notifications of when club is running again.  Thanks and stay healthy- Jacquie


The Shy People Drawing Club

Part class, part social club!  This group is meant for adults with beginner-to-intermediate drawing skills who want to practice in a fun and supportive setting.  Artist Jacquie Rolston will provide the theme for a drawing exploration, demo a technique or material to start us off, and provide light instruction and feedback throughout the session (but she’s also looking forward to doing some drawing herself!)

Drawing sessions will be offered the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month.  7-9pm.

The cost is $15 fee a session, which includes instruction, materials, and tea and snacks.  (usually, home-baked treats…)

The club meets at Jacquie’s cheerfully shabby art studio near Clark and 2nd.  Unfortunately it is up a flight of stairs and is not wheelchair accessible.  Maximum 8 participants.

The story behind SPDC: Jacquie also teaches a beginners’ drawing class on Sundays.  Her current group of students asked her to create a drawing night so they could keep up their drawing practice, and she couldn’t say no!  The Shy People Drawing Club is a place where we can help each other solve technical problems as well as get creative with new approaches.  We will learn from each other and cheer each other on.  (If you are interested in the beginner drawing class, next session starts March 22.)

THEME:  Graphic Shading

We are going to play around with high contrast shading, working only with white, black and a colour as a midtone.  This is great practice for designing for linocut or screenprint.  It’s also a great exercise for honing your shading skills, because you have to do a lot with less!  (For beginner drawers, images can be traced on a lightbox so that your focus can be on the graphic treatment.)

Bring a photo to work with or choose from Jacquie’s image collection. (Tip:choose an image with strong lights and darks).  Materials: markers, watercolour and ink, or cut paper.

Special Instructions

Bring some photographs to work from.



Registration Details

Email or find Jacquie's facebook page @jacquiedraws.


Suppy List

Supplies provided. Bring art markers if you would like.

April 16, 2020
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Old Foundry Building
1790 Vernon
Vancouver, BC, V6A



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