April 22, 2023 - April 23, 2023


SURFACE TENSION, an exhibition by husband and wife Matthew and Natasha van Netten, investigates the similarities of form between mountain ranges and ocean waves through photography, painting and drawing.

“We want to highlight the dramatic forms found in both mountains and the sea. Although these enormous geographic masses appear to exist in opposition, they share many visual parallels. These resemblances can be so striking they can even question which form is being represented. This place in-between one form and another is what we are interested in exploring. ” – Natasha van Netten

For more information:
Xchanges Gallery
Natasha van Netten
Matthew van Netten 

April 22, 2023 - April 23, 2023
11:00 am - 4:00 pm

Xchanges Gallery
2333 Government Street
Victoria, BC, V8T 4P4
