The Practicing Artist

September 22, 2021



“Inspiration is in the tip of your brush,” or so said Francis Bacon, the great mid-century British painter. Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way, says “The refusal to be creative is self-will and is counter to our nature.” This course is for all who wish to open the throttle on their creative flow. In this studio course based on Cameron’s influential book, participants will learn to nurture their creativity through daily writing, ‘artist dates’, and in-class mixed-media projects. These will be supplemented with slide lectures focusing on artist’s practices and the psychology of art making. The course is appropriate for those new to art as well as veterans of the studio, and for artists of all media, including dance, writing, and music as well as the visual arts. Artists covered include Cy Twombly, Martha Graham, Elza Mayhew, William Anastasi, Kara Walker, Andy Warhol, and more. Suitable for beginners. Required Textbook: Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way, Penguin Random House (the textbook is also available in local book and art stores).
Wednesdays 2pm – 5pm, Sep 22 – Dec 15 Classroom Delivery



Registration Details

Suppy List

 large mixed-media sketchbook (14"x17” or larger)
- small collection of coloured markers and pens or pencils
- pen and notebook

Additional Items (please bring to the first class):

- journal: 250 pages for daily writing practice
- large newsprint pad (24” x 36")
- pad of tracing paper (8 ½“ x 11”)
- 22”x30” Stonehenge or other mixed-media art paper (one sheet)

- set of pan watercolours
- #6 round watercolour brush

- pencils: 4B, 2B, HB, 2H
- black Sharpie
- charcoal (vine and compressed)
- oil pastels

- collage materials
- scissors
- white glue
- glue brush (old bristle brush or similar)

September 22, 2021
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Vancouver Island School of Art
302-733 Johnson Street
Victgoria, BC, V8W 3C7


