Understanding Colour

September 20, 2023 - December 13, 2023



Understanding Colour is a thorough introduction to colour theory and its translation into painting practice. The use of colour as a basic element of visual art is a fundamental component of painting. The aim of this course is to prompt students to be mindful of the endless complexity and diversity available through an awareness of colour. The colour theory and applied methodology learned can be put to immediate use. Throughout the 12 week course, students assemble an annotated collection of small paintings and notes to use for future reference with an emphasis on developing an understanding of how colour theory can be applied and add interest to their work and the world around them. Participants can use any painting medium: acrylic, watercolour or gouache. Oil paint is also an option, but slow drying times make it harder to manage transporting several small works per class to and from home. Suitable for all levels.

Registration Details

Visit the Vancouver Island School of Art website to register online, or phone 250-380-3500.

Suppy List

- ivory black (acrylic, watercolour or gouache)
- tube of titanium white (acrylic or gouache), chinese white (watercolour)
- Acrylic: a variety of round and flat or “bright” soft synthetic brushes (Taklon or similar works fine).
- Watercolour and Gouache: a variety of watercolour brushes (whatever you have, a wash brush and good quality round #10 or #12 recommended).
For acrylic only:
- gloss medium - 8 or 16 oz for acrylic
- palette knife(s) (metal is preferred)
- pad of disposable palette sheets
- pad of watercolour paper, 9”x12” (if using watercolour or gouache)
- canvas pad, 9”x12” (if using acrylic or oil)
- 20 or more card stock sheets (8.5”x11”)
- magazines (or other black and white images found online) : look for lots of interesting black and white photos.
- scissors
- glue stick
- ruler
- empty plastic containers
Additional Colours (acrylic, watercolour or gouache):
- cadmium red medium (genuine not hue)
- alizarin crimson (hue is better) or quinacridone red
- ultramarine blue or French ultramarine (NOT green shade)
- phthalo blue (green shade)
- cobalt blue (genuine)
- hansa or lemon yellow
- cadmium yellow medium (genuine not hue)
- dioxazine violet
- cadmium orange (genuine) or vat orange
- phthalo green (this could be regular, yellow shade or blue shade)

September 20, 2023 - December 13, 2023
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Vancouver Island School of Art
302-733 Johnson Street
Victoria, BC, V8W 3C7


