Urban Sketching – Two Approaches – Instructor Ian de Hoog
November 06, 2021
$50 Members 65 NonMembers
If you want to try out urban sketching, it’s not always about flawless lines and perfect shapes. In this workshop, we will explore two approaches to sketching and painting loose urban scenes without losing any important details.
In the first approach, we will use fineliners to create simple lines, built up, to create amazing art. To finish off the sketch we will continue to develop our sketch with cross-hatching techniques to create texture, contrast, depth, and perspective.
In the second approach, we will explore a different scene. We will still create our initial drawing with the fineliners but to finish we will bring it to life using watercolour washes to add colour and strong values.
For more information and to register: https://sswras.com/workshops