Watercolour Pencil Drawing from Nature Monday Evenings in Scenic Crescent Beach
July 22, 2019 - July 29, 2019
“Getting in touch with your inner nature by drawing from nature” – Study of natural environment is balanced with watercolour pencil sketching techniques using local pathways in scenic Crescent Beach. Participants learn to accept challenges, solve problems and judge their own artwork with constructive encouragement. From basics to advanced approaches, you will be introduced to a variety of drawing methods that you can adapt to your personal taste or ability.
Group sessions will be “plein-air”, weather permitting.
Special Instructions
Meet up, registration and Orientation at 6:30pm. Drawing outside from 7-9pm. In the event of inclement weather, there will be the option to draw from still life inside.
All ages welcome! Whether advanced level of drawing or simply for leisure, state your expectation, that way I can prepare a focus for you. You may also option to simply draw in B&W.
Registration Details
If you wish to prepay a block session by phone to insure a spot, you can pay by visa or mc, by phoning me ahead at 604 541-3677.
Drop-in $25/session. Or $80 plus supplies (to attend any 4 sessions between the above dates). 6 Mondays from 7pm - 9:00pm/ $120 plus supplies (to attend any 6 sessions between the above dates). Please call ahead to book your space.
Suppy List
Please phone to request supply list via email.
You will receive the full supply list for colour, black & white drawing supplies and outdoor sketch accessories as well for your information.
One session drop-ins for watercolour pencil, would require the all-purpose sketchbook, set of 12 watercolour pencils staedtler aquarelle or equivalent, soft white eraser, grey kneadable eraser, smudge stick, a small plastic water container, 1/4" round watercolour brush or chinese ink brush, water container with lid (pill bottle), cloth (page 3)
You might bring a portable camping stool to sit on, sweater in case it is chilly, or a pack to carry the supplies as we will be walking to drawing sites.