Art Battle

Art Battle is a live competitive painting event held in almost every major city across Canada. Each event sees 12 artists competing against one other in hopes of winning the grand prize of the evening and the chance to compete in the National Championship. The artists have 20 minutes to paint whatever inspires them in the medium of acrylic and as they work, patrons move around the easels to watch their process.

At the end of each round the audience votes for their favourite painting and bids in a silent auction for the work they want to take home. All the proceeds of the evenings paintings are split between the artists competing and into growing Art Battle for future artists and patrons. With competitions held every month, this truly is something everyone needs to experience!

Opus was in high attendance for Art Battle 63, held at the Vancouver Fan Club, with 4 Opus Staff members participating in the battle. After the competition, we sat down with Art Battle Vancouver Director, Bill Higginson to discuss the competition, the impact it has had on the arts community, and the importance of exposing the public to an artist’s process.

Visit for full listings of upcoming events near you.

Artist Featured in Art Battle 63

Round #1

Alison Woodward

Bryan Coombes

Pierre Giroux

Ron Schwartz

Thomaz Mango

Anne Lipton

Round #2

Colin Mitchell

Olga Abeleva

Olya Schmidt

Marney-Rose Edge

David Ullock

Siobhan Smith

Final Round

Bryan Coombes

Thomaz Mango

Olga Abeleva

Marney-Rose Edge

Art Battle 63 Winner:

Bryan Coombes

For more information visit