How To: Mounting a Digital Print onto a Cradled Panel

Brian from Opus shows us how to mount a digital print onto a wood cradled panel.

Materials you will need:
– Digital Print
– Wood Panel
– Roller
– Protective Spray
– Ruler
– White Glue
– Paint Brush
– Sand paper
– X-Acto Blade
– Pen/Pencil

Step 1: Lightly sand the panel removing all bumps and debris.

Step 2: Mark the back of your print creating a registration guide. Trim off the excess paper to make registration easier.

Step 3: Using your brush, apply white glue evenly over the surface.

Step 4: Position the glued panel on the back of the print. Once secure place a piece of clean paper on top and roll out the air bubbles.

Step 5: Once the glue has dried trim off the excess paper. After lightly sand the edges to create a clean and finished look.

Step 6: Finish it off with a protective spray, frame it and hang it.