
Animals in Art: Ceramics

$90.00 fee includes all materials


Large and small creatures have been an unrelenting source of intrigue for artists throughout history. Animals in Art: Ceramics participants will enjoy getting to know many different friendly species living on the Aldergrove farm, home of Art in the Country. Using preparatory drawings for animal studies, methods of construction will be demonstrated along with basic principles of working with clay. Many different techniques will be discussed as participants create numerous ceramic sculptures that will be glazed and fired.

Note that an additional course for Grades 6 and 7 will also be taught in the mornings (9:00-12:00) of July 21-25 entitled: Animals in Art: Painting. Please see additional information in the Workshops listing.

Special Instructions

An interest in and comfort with animals would be a definite asset.


Beginners are always welcome !

Registration Details

Pre-registration is required by calling Susan Gorris 604-856-0634. Additional info and a registration form will be emailed to interested participants and their families.

Supply List

  • $90.00 fee includes all materials (incl. glazes)


