
Birgit O’Connor – Big Bold Beautiful Flowers

$350 (three days) 450 ( five days)


In the first three days of the workshop (Sept 23 – 25) Birgit guides you step-by-step through the painting process and shares here technique of how to simplify a flower. Learn how to blend and mix colour to find that WOW factor that creates beauty and drama in your painting. With a limited palette you will learn how to create the illusion of depth with bold shadows or define a gentle curve with soft edges.

In the next part of the workshop (Sept 26-27) Birgit continues exploring her painting process and suggests you bring a few of your own photos to learn how to compose a more interesting and dramatic painting. This is not a stand alone class it is an extension of the three day workshop.

Registration Details

Information: Contact Sharron MacBride at: stargaz@telus.net



Watercolour Painting