
Business & Marketing of Art – Kelowna, BC

$150 + tax


Simplifying the Business & Marketing of Art

December 8-9, 2012 from 9 am – 4 pm

This workshop is for artists who would like to learn about promoting their artwork and important aspects of the business. We will explore various ways to promote your work and simplify using online tools by going through practical, direct examples. We will cover:

– the benefits of having a website & how to reach more people through your website
– how an email newsletter is a valuable tool to keep in contact with collectors
– how to use a blog and social media to promote your work & connect with others
– how to photograph your artwork and create good quality images
– how to size and save images for online art entries
– a simple way to keep a record of your artwork
– pricing your work
– gallery relationships and contracts
…and more.

Come away with an action plan for how to move forward in your art career, as well as resources to help you.

Leah has her own marketing and web design business and helps her husband Jerry Markham, who is a full-time artist (http://www.jerrymarkham.com) with his marketing and business aspects of his art career.

For more details or to register call Leah at 1-877-311-2787 or see http://www.artistswebsites.net/workshops.html

Registration Details




Art Business / Professional Development