The foundation and language of any painting is composition and colour. These two elements go hand in hand: painters often do not consider the importance of a good compositional preparation and are often unaware of how a colour palette can make a good composition an exceptional painting. Xane St Phillip uses both design and colour theory knowledge to present material and develop a painter’s toolbox, the fundamentals to create dynamic and captivating compositions. Exercises will include using paper collage to discover different approaches to composition and using a paper colour palette to understand and develop personal colour schemes. Compositions will be based on abstract designs incorporating contemporary still life set-ups. Students will make several small painted studies or maquettes based on their collage constructions during the course. Examples from the world of design and 20th & 21st century art will be given to inspire students to develop their own design language. Previous painting experience recommended.
Fridays 2pm – 5pm, May 17 – Jun 21, 2019
Previous painting experience recommended.
Registration Details
Online with PayPal: http://www.vancouverislandschoolart.com/
By Phone with Visa or MasterCard: 250-380-3500
In person (9am – 5pm, Monday – Friday): 950 Kings Rd, 2nd Floor, Victoria BC
tuition discounted to $211.50 until May 1st
Supply List