
Drawing with Ink

$125.00 (inlcudes supplies)


Ink is an extremely versatile and exciting medium that can be used both for detailed representational drawing as well as in experimental processes that are the nature of any waterbased media. The focus of this workshop is on experimentation and learning to juxtapose the deliberate mark with the spontaneous gesture.

March 30, 2013 Saturday, 10am – 5pm
Wendy Welch
Tuition: $100.00 (6 hrs)
Material Fee: $25 (all materials included)

A must see image page of images from previous workshops, students and source: http://tinyurl.com/afogftu


No experience necessary.

Registration Details

Vancouver Island School of Art
2549 Quadra St. Victoria BC V8T 4E1
T. 250 380 3500
E. info@vancouverislandschoolart.com

Registration online: http://www.vancouverislandschoolart.com/registration.html
Or by phone: 250-380-3500

Full workshop schedule: http://www.vancouverislandschoolart.com/workshops.html

Supply List

  • All supplies are provided



Pen, Ink, Calligraphy