
Introduction to Encaustic Mixed Media Painting: (beginners)

$80 (incl)


This workshop is a great introduction if you’ve never worked with the medium of hot wax before, or a useful refresher on basic methods if it’s been a while since you have created with wax. It is a hands-on, fun and dynamic workshop that demonstrates and explores using natural non-toxic mediums on wood canvases; melting and fusing; applying photo transfers, collage and texture; embedding; tracing and incising, and practicing studio safety.

You will leave with 6×6″ and 8×6″ paintings created in class, as well as lots of information with an extensive handout on encaustic painting techniques and supplies. All materials and equipment are provided, except for the wood cradles. Other than that, you just need to show up with your curiosity and lunch!

Time: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Location: www.arthousepenticton.com

Special Instructions

Bring own lunch!



Registration Details

Susanne at artaccess@shaw.ca

Supply List

  • All supplies provided, except for cradles.
  • Bring own lunch and 2 wood cradles from Opus, sizes 6x6" & 8x6".



Mixed/Other Media