
Mixed Media: Gouache & Pastel

$125.00 all supplies included


Are you curious about trying out a mixed media approach to drawing? This workshop will introduce you to the basics of combining gouache and pastels on tinted and black surfaces.

Gouache is an opaque watercolour paint with a velvety surface that makes a perfect companion to chalk pastels. You will work on three small projects that include representational and abstract subject matter. Suitable for complete beginners.

March 2 Sunday, 10am – 5pm
Instructor: Kate Scoones
Cost: $125.00 (6 hrs)
(all materials included)


Suitable for complete beginners.

Registration Details

Vancouver Island School of Art
2549 Quadra St. Victoria BC V8T 4E1
T. 250 380 3500
E. info@vancouverislandschoolart.com

Registration online: http://vancouverislandschoolart.com/workshops_wi14det.html#DRWG%20w157

or by phone: 250-380-3500



Mixed/Other Media