
Plein Air Painting on Granville Island

$75.00 + GST


This session is an exploration on working with line values and colour as the basic elements of sketching and painting with a focus on townscapes and the human figure.
Alfonso teaches a technique using crayon, pastel pencils or sticks for sketching to produce lines that have a less sharp or precise definition plus the softness of the media allows for dry bleeding the line. This technique combines with Watercolour and inks to produce a voluminous impression of a subject. This approach to plein air painting is excellent for those who may feel uncomfortable with drawing and is a way to gradually to understand line values and what tone and colour can achieve when working with vertical and horizontal planes. It is also a visual approach to understand perspective and light in outdoor conditions β€œen plein air”.

Instructor: Alfonso Tejeda
Level: All Skills Levels Welcome
Medium: Drawing/Watercolour
Date: September 30, 2013
Time: 9:30am – 3:30pm
Location: Federation Gallery,1241 Cartywright st, Granville Island, Vancouver


All Skill Levels Welcome

Registration Details

On line Registration: https://artists.ca/courses/view/id/1629
Phone Registration: 604-681-8534
For inquires contact our office: fcaadmin@artists.ca
Visit our website: www.artists.ca

Supply List

  • http://artists.ca/files/2167/ALFONSO_L.__TEJADA_sUPPLY_LIST.pdf


