

$220 (members) + 240 (non-members) ( all materials included)


POLYESTER PLATE (pronto-plate)


with Alain Costaz & Tony Bounsall

2 Day Workshop (10 Hours total) at Ground Zero Printmakers
Polyester Plate Photo-Lithography is easy to use and will yield excellent sophisticated prints from either hand drawn or photographic images. The Saturday portion of the class (taught by Tony Bounsall) will consist of preparing photographic images to be “plate ready” and examining several techniques for producing artwork that can be scanned or directly imaged onto the plate. We will be using Photoshop to process images in a variety of different treatments and effects that can be reproduced easily. This process yields prints rich in tonal depth and detail. Polyester Plate Photo-Lithography is essentially non-toxic and more direct than traditional litho methods. The Sunday portion of the class ( taught by Alain Costaz) will consist of learning how to print polymer plates by hand. Learning about ink and how to apply it is crucial in revealing the full range of effects on the plate and this process of inking and printing will be the focus of the day. We will cover developing a plate to edition level. This will include how to register images to paper, the best types of paper to use, how to use the press and general printing studio procedure.

Students will finish the workshop with completed plates , proofs of their images, and a working knowledge of the versatile uses of the polymer plate.

Participants are asked to bring a thumb drive with their digital image files on or other imagery, such as drawings, that can be scanned as well as a laptop with any recent version of photoshop or elements on it. *Please note that iphone images work wonderfully for this process but they do need to be transferred off your phone onto the thumb drive.

Direct drawing on the plate with line and wash can be done as well, bring a Sharpie for direct drawing.

Scanner size: 8.5×11
Please note a 30 day free trial download of Photoshop is available from Adobe.

If you do not have a laptop there will be several machines available for use.
Ground Zero Printmakers emphasizes low to non-toxic printmaking practices.



Registration Details

When: Starts. Sat. & Sun. April 27-28
Time: 10-5:00 pm
Where: Ground Zero Printmakers Chinatown studio 5491/2 Fisgard
Price: $220 (members) + $240 (non-members) ( all materials included)

To register: gzpsbc@yahoo.com or call: 250-383-3689

Supply List

  • laptop computer, digital images



Mixed/Other Media