$200 (supplies included)
Chine collé is traditionally known as a method of printing an image onto a thin delicate paper while simultaneously adhering it to a heavier paper through a traditional printing press. This hands-on workshop introduces students to the traditional method of chine collé as well as several other options such as applying small segments of chine collé onto a larger work; preparing and combining chine collé with monotype prints and relief prints, and using various ink application. Whether your interest is the print, creating elements for a handmade book, or the application of chine collé to mixed media work, this workshop offers many avenues for exploration.
November 3 & 4, 2012 Saturday & Sunday, 10am – 5pm
Instructor: Jenn Robins
Tuition: $175.00 (12 hrs)
Material Fee: $25 (all materials included)
This workshop is suitable for beginners and those with previous experience.
Registration Details
Vancouver Island School of Art
2549 Quadra St
Victoria, BC V8T 4E1
T. 250-380-3500
E. info@vancouverislandschoolart.com
Supply List