
private photography lessons

$varies according to time booked, 75/hour to 50/hr


If you have a great new digital SLR but do not know what aperture, shutter speed, ISO, white balance and lens choice mean for making creative photographs, then sign up for
a few hours or more of private instruction. I’ll show you the most important camera functions for the subjects you want to shoot.

Or you may be a more advanced photographer who wants some specific instruction
on lighting, composition or other aspects of photography.
You can learn at your own pace and in your own time with some private lessons.

Perhaps you have a specific project you need help with. I have taught an architect how to shoot architecture and worked with someone to make an art exhibit on a forest that was turned into a development.


Have a digital slr camera

Registration Details

call me at 604-736-5799
or e mail dwphoto@shaw.ca


