Come and explore a variety of mediums through the process of mutiple projects. We will create collages, build sculptures in paper mache, paint with acrylics, discover the magic of watercolours and so much more. Join Maureen and discover together the endless possibilities of your imagination.
Maureen Coles has been creating art all of her life. What really has driven her artistic enthusiasm is teaching art. She gets a rush when one of her student artists has their aha moment, then she knows she has succeeded and they’ve gotten the “artist’s bug”. maureencoles.ca
North Vancouver Community Arts Council
335 Lonsdale Ave. North Van, BC. V7M 2G3
604.988.6844 // nvartscouncil.ca
Registration Details
In Person: 335 Lonsdale Ave. North Vancouver
By Phone: 604.988.6844
Online: nvartscouncil.ca