Watercolour Play (PNTG w157)
Are you curious about how to get started with watercolour paint? This one day workshop introduces you to watercolour through a series of imaginative abstract exercises. The focus is on ‘play’ as opposed to making finished paintings. You will learn how to hold the brush, how to mix colours and how to have fun by just making mark, shapes and simple compositions. No experience necessary and all materials are provided.
October 27 Sunday, 10am – 5pm
Instructor: Wendy Welch, MFA
No experience necessary.
Registration Details
Register online via PayPal:
or by phone: 250-380-3500
Vancouver Island School of Art
2549 Quadra St. Victoria BC V8T 4E1
T. 250 380 3500
E. info@vancouverislandschoolart.com
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