Community Coming Together to Stay Apart

June 5, 2020

Covid-19 has brought many new challenges to our lives. During times of struggle, we know we must strive to adapt and support each other and our communities, especially those who need it most. While we may not have the expertise to care for our community the way that essential, frontline workers have been caring for us all, we wanted to do our part by contributing in our own way, in our own area of expertise: creativity.


At Opus, our primary focus is to support through inspiring, educating, and enabling the creative community. We see creativity as a basic need. People have physical, mental, and emotional needs, and we all want meaning and purpose. We really feel it’s foundational for children to be able to express their creativity.


We recently partnered with Arts Umbrella to create and distribute more than 200 Art Kits to at-risk children and to children of essential workers through Kiwassa Neighbourhood House and the Westminster Savings Artful Afternoon program in Surrey. With school being disrupted and all of us doing our part to socially distance, we wanted to ensure that even though indoors and apart, kids could stay inspired and to use creativity to get through a difficult time. We provided supplies while Arts Umbrella and Kiwassa Neighbourhood house ensured they got to kids who needed them most.