Month: April 2020

Looking To Nature To See Ourselves

Whenever I’m in nature, be it in my yard or a remote and wild place, I feel uplifted, happy and inspired. When I paint, I connect with these experiences so I can share them with others.   I grew up... Read More

Coping Through Creativity

We’re discovering how creativity is helping us cope with these unprecedented times. Over the past week, you’ve been sharing some wonderful ideas and inspiring stories. The response has been incredible and we’d like to thank everyone for sending in their... Read More

Finding The Perfect Canvas

“Many painters are afraid in front of the blank canvas, but the blank canvas is afraid of the real, passionate painter who dares and who has broken the spell of ‘you can’t’, once and for all.” – Vincent van Gogh Wise... Read More

Bursting with Vibrant New Colours – Opus Essential Oil Paints

Our Opus Essential Oil Paints just got a promotion! We are very proud to introduce the New & Improved Opus Essential Oil Paints as the latest addition to our Opus Essential paint family.       Manufactured in North America... Read More

Inviting Creativity Home

  “Closed in a room, imagination becomes my universe.” ~Criss Jami   Although these difficult times have pushed us all indoors, unexpected restrictions can still provide new opportunities. It goes without saying that keeping focussed on something constructive like painting... Read More