Explore Plein Air Painting with Dominik Modlinski

July 2, 2021

Renowned landscape artist Dominik Modlinski’s painting journeys are a wilderness experience based on weeks of traveling rugged and barren lands. In plein air style, his vibrant work captures the majesty of nature. He also has an ongoing television series called ‘CHANGING LANDSCAPES’, where he and his best friend travel the world in quest of adventure and painting locations. Through all his art, Dominik hopes to portray a need to preserve the beauty of our planet, inspiring people to care more for the environment.


I draw most of my creative juices painting plein air. The brushwork that is achieved, the uniqueness of each stroke, is a subconscious response to the outside atmosphere and environment I’m surrounded by.

After two or three hours of outdoor painting, you get a sense of meditation that cannot be achieved in a studio. Your senses respond very differently and that’s one of the main aspects of being outside that I love. The more time I explore and paint outside, the more time I have to think about who I am and where I’m going. At first the inner voice is quite loud, and then it quietens. That’s kind of the wonderful state I always try to be in.


Part of my painting experience is the motive of journeying – a journey by canoe, by hiking, by kayaking or motorbike. I want to record the vanishing environment and give people a glimpse and a sense of how it feels to be in these remote, wild places.


As I travel to different locations across the world, I look for the uniqueness of each environment, but also for similarities, like colored harmonies of the rock and overall lightning. Being on location provides in-depth information. The sights, sounds and smells become like an access library which I draw from to create the essence and feel of my final composition.

You don’t have to hike 20kms into the mountains to get a really good vista though. Focus on the unique characteristics in the natural environment around you – that one tree or several plants in your garden. Once you start exploring the same subject longer and longer, the more familiar you will get with it and the more powerful your painting will become. Be patient with yourself and don’t get frustrated. Everything is a matter of practice and experience. Travel light, don’t carry too many mediums or paints, and minimize all you can.

See more of Dominik’s work at:  





Watch and Listen to Dominik’s Full Interview in the Opus Visual Podcast

Explore Plein Air Painting with Maria Josenhans and Dominik Modlinski

Listen to the new podcast featuring Maria Josenhans and Dominik Modlinski. As we explore the outdoors, we explore our inner world.. Check out… Watch Visual Podcast