Home Sweet Home

June 17, 2020

What an incredible week! We have received ‘Home Sweet Home’ submissions from right across the country and it’s fascinating to see how this theme resonates differently with different people. Our ‘Oh Canada’ gallery is growing and already shows an impressive, colourful array of the diverse facades of our nation. Here’s a small selection of some of the great work you’ve been sending through. 




Allan Shatzky – Okanagan Valley

Throughout my 77 years, wherever I’ve travelled across this vast and magnificent country of ours, it has always been the geography itself – the mountains, the rivers, the streams – that literally grounds me and evokes a sense of constancy amidst the uncertainty of our ever-changing world. 

‘Home Sweet Home’, that place of warmth and comfort, is always with me when I remember the land. 






Caroline Baldwin – Bridges

I always feel at home in a city with a stand-out bridge. I was born in Kelowna and for me, the floating bridge with its lift span was always an anchoring feature of the cityscape. When I moved to Victoria with my own family twenty-one years ago, the blue bridge at Johnson street and it’s iconic lift span linked me to my childhood home. I loved that old bridge, but the new one has grown on me too. This is a quick, abstracted study of it on a rainy night, as seen from the Canoe Club parking circle.  @carolinemmbaldwin






Gregory Guy – Fisherman’s Shed

I’m submitting an abandoned fisherman’s shed in Lower Island Cove, Newfoundland. The reason I choose this particular scene is because the old ways are rapidly disappearing. The idea of ‘home’ is often nostalgic. These abandoned sheds and houses can be seen all over the island but one day they will all be gone.







Jenny K – Guppies

I have guppies in a fish tank and it seems like they live in a balanced environment with water plants. It reminds me of our city, Vancouver, which is in architectural harmony with nature. This is the one idea of home I would love to pass on from my generation to the next.








Leanne Rockliff – Parent’s Farmhouse

This is one of many attempts to paint my parent’s farmhouse. It’s the place I grew up; red brick with a bright white balcony and decks, a large field to one side and backed by century old maples. I’m looking forward to the time when we can get back there again!





Homa – Sunrise, Clean Skies

This sunrise is not only a familiar and comforting view from my home, but also a great reminder of the beauty of clean skies. Though some of us in urban areas suffer from air pollution, most Canadians enjoy fairly clean air and whether it is clear, sunny, misty, cloudy, or stormy, I greatly appreciate it.





Joey Mallett – Prairie Roots

With this mixed media piece I wanted to recreate a picture of my dad’s family with the old barn and their mailbox in Forestberg, Alberta. Families were large in those days and they needed a lot of hands to do the farm work. There is my grandma, granddad, and their 7 kids. I like looking at this painting because I am reminded that I come from good prairie stock.



Again, thanks to everyone for getting involved. We’re now exploring the theme ‘Canadian Wildlife’. Some incredible submissions are already coming through and we hope to see many more! Please remember that we’re as interested in the text you send as we are with the artwork. For the best chance of being published, share as much as you can – why you’ve chosen to depict what you have, the story behind it and what the image means to you.

Explore this weeks theme and submit your artwork!